Arab spring causes pdf file

Like germany, england and france in the second world war, most of syria is destroyed. Many studies dealt with economic causes of civil, regional and international wars and conflicts and presented their economic effects at various levels, but the arab spring revolutions or popular revolutions that took place in a number of arab states led by tunisia, egypt, libya and yemen have special features, causes and conse. The role of information communication technologies in the. By early 2011 they had spread into what became known as the arab spring a wave of protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across arabicspeaking countries in. It began in response to oppressive regimes and a low standard of living, starting with protests in tunisia noueihed, 2011. I can compare and contrast the causes and effects of the arab spring in other middle eastern nations. The causes and effects of the arab springs by 12ael no single cause was behind the arab spring.

The stressor is by no means the only cause of the crimes that ensue, but it is an important factor in a complex set of variables that ultimately lead to disaster. The arab spring and its unintended effects in syria. This research paper examines thoroughly and critically all the causes and facilitators of the arab spring from twitter and facebook to the relative deprivation of the numerous youth in the arab world. The gaddafi archives libya before the arab spring view gallery an exhibition of photographs, documents and artefacts from the human rights watch archive paints a portrait of libya in the four decades prior to the arab spring. The arab spring and climate change the stimson center. The young people as well as the unions were dissatisfied with the rules of the local governments. The situation in the arab world has implications for turkey and the united states. For a complete list and pdf versions of publications by the frederick s. Tunisia and egypt evolved besides shedding light on the 2011 arab spring event. Five years after the start of the arab uprisings, mainstream islamist groups find themselves between what has been termed the twin shocks of the arab spring.

Shallow reforms and inequitable socioeconomic development with the exception of bahrain, the arab uprisings have been thus far limited to republics, namely tunisia, egypt, libya, yemen and syria. Bouazizis selfimmolation was one of several stories told and retold on facebook, twitter, and youtube in ways that inspired dissidents to organize protests, criticize their governments, and spread ideas about. The arab spring at one a year of living dangerously, foreign affairs, vol. It will further examine the impact social media had on the uprisings and revolutions known as the arab spring. Other believed that it was because of the disparity of the income between the people. Later, similar rebellions followed in libya, bahrain, syria and yemen. It is known that due of the economic distress, and lack of employment, many. These factors were critical to the development and escalation of hostilities between the two nations torn over one land. National democratic institute for international affairs, 2011. As economic distress is show to be one of the major causes of the arab spring, political dissatisfaction may be the biggest of them all to cause these disturbances. Today, just as before the arab spring, womens rights groups in the arab world are fighting for rights set forth in the united nations convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women cedaw, the most comprehensive womens rights treaty, and are using it to demand government action. Friedman suggested that the united states is caught in a dilemmato intervene or not intervene on one hand, the more the u.

The arab spring may have awakened the entire middle east with a taste of democracy in a few countries, but syria has seen the adverse effects of it. The arab spring was a series of prodemocracy uprisings that enveloped several largely muslim countries, including tunisia, morocco, syria, libya, egypt and. Arab spring, wave of prodemocracy protests and uprisings that took place in the middle east and north africa beginning in 2010, challenging some of the regions entrenched authoritarian regimes. Arab spring used their powers vehemently to crush the demonstrators and consequently the peaceful protesters also became violent. Monarchies have largely weathered popular discontent. Unlike 911, the arab spring is attributable to deep and widespread sociological causes e. Overview there has been much analysis of the causes and rapid spread of the 2011 arab spring or. Financial pressures top every list of catalysts and causes of the arab spring, espeeially when cormption at the hands of the mling and social elite is added. For decades, arab populations had faced repression of free speech, human rights abuses, economic mismanagement, corruption and stifling of political dissent. While the causes of the uprisings, and therefore the immediate challenges to be overcome by the new political elites, were relatively similar in the four. One of these sources was social media and its power to put a human face on political oppression. Writing constitutions after the arab spring foreign affairs final report on the tunisian national constituent assembly elections. Authoritarianism and democratization in the arab w orld, rex brynen et al. This paper will discuss the causes of the arab spring and how social media played a role in the middle east before the start of the revolutions in 2011.

Real gdp growth 2010, 2015 fffi fffi6% fffi4% fffi2% fffi 0% ff 2% ff 4% ff algeria libya morocco tunisia 2010 2015. Arab spring research guide and notes sheet targets. The paper unpacks the gccs responses to the arab spring in the short term, without delving into the root causes of the arab spring, which are present also in the gulf region. What are the main points of consensus in the analysis of the arab spring about the factors that led to it and what tipped the balance into widespread protestunrest. The arab spring uprisings of 2011 triggered a wide set of social movements and regime change across the middle east and north africa. While interconnected, uprisings in each nation took different forms and reached. A number of factors have been selected under five main themes namely economics development, political legitimacy, social demography, islamism and the advance of new social media. Womens rights and the arab spring middle eastnorth. To move beyond this arab spring legacy and regain a reputation for mediation and diplomacy, qatar may well have to step back from the regional leadership that was characteristic of dohas policies during and after the arab spring, and act instead as a. Arab regimes had been sitting on a demographic time bomb for decades. The economic consequences of the arab spring by mohsin khan atlantic council rafik hariri center for the middle east the popular uprisings that swept the middle east in early 2011 dramatically altered the political landscape of the region with the overthrow of autocratic regimes in egypt, libya, tunisia, and yemen. In tunisia, protests which began primary over economic frustration, injustice and. The common slogan of the protesters throughout arab spring was the people want to bring down the regime aissa, 2012. Development of conflict in arab spring libya and syria.

This po l i c y br i e f attempts to analyze whether and how the arab spring might affect regional foreign and security policies in the context of con. The major causes of the arab israeli conflict were foreign interference, nationalism and the collapse of the ottoman empire. Political and economic development in most arab states simply could not keep up with the staggering increase in the population, as the ruling. The unfinished revolutions of the new middle east, new york. The demands made by protestors were wide ranging, and also evolved as protest movements developed. Causes of the arab spring causes of the arab spring may be described as following. Demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances faced violent crackdowns by. Not surprisingly, the world banks report on the causes of the arab spring noted that standard development indicators failed to predict the outburst of popular anger that. Tunisia and the arab spring powerpoint, available in the carolina k12 database of k12 resources. Effects and consequences of the arab spring the hollings.

What was meant to be an uprising for change turned into a bloody, brutal and endless civil war. The causes of the arab spring, or as some call it, arab awakening, were many and longgathering. The arab spring started in countries that actually had economic growth. Causes of the arab spring the wave of social protests that swept through the arab world during 2011, toppling some longstanding regimes and seriously destabilizing others, was the consequence of decades of oppressive and authoritarian political systems, failed economic policies, and socially alienated and disaffected populations, mainly youths. Impact of the arab uprisings the arab spring reached yemen in february 2011. All stable countries are alike, but all unstable countries become unstable in their own ways. Egyptian revolution, also known as arab spring or arab uprising, was a shock for international community because egypt has been seen as one of the strongest military state in north africa region. I can describe the causes and effects of the arab spring in my assigned country. All these factors, to large extent have contributed to the causes of this. The arab spring and climate change does not argue that climate change caused the revolutions that have shaken the arab. Ict and social media had little to do with the underlying sociopolitical and socioeconomic factors behind the. In the 2011 arab spring protests, social media networks played an important role in the rapid disintegration of at least two regimes, tunisia and egypt, while also contributing to sociopolitical mobilization in bahrain and syria.